This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information.
Top 20 hedge fund managers averaged $657.5 million
This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information.
(Aug 15, 2007) -- 'The CMA is undermining the most fundamental premises of our national Medicare system – health care is not a commodity that should be bought or sold. It is a common good and needs to be treated and respected in this manner.'
Report by the Canadian Physiotherapy Association (CPA) says long wait times for physiotherapy treatment or occupational therapy are affecting vulnerable patients.
CAW delegates, this August 2007, unanimously endorsed the policy paper 'Climate Change and Our Jobs: Finding the Right Balance'. This endorsement announces a full commitment from the CAW to the fight against climate change.
Canada failing to ensure access to broadband coverage and to protect network neutrality
In a letter to Elías Antonio Saca González, president of El Salvador, NUPGE president James Clancy said those responsible for the deaths of Miguel Angel Vásquez Argueta, whose body was discovered July 18, and of Gilberto Soto, who was assassinated last November, must be brought to justice.
58% initial return rate reported but new initiative is not as green as many citizens think
(July 19, 2007) -- 'The Supreme Court ruling on collective bargaining rights is definitely a victory worth celebrating. But with so much at stake, we cannot and must not stop to rest or relax for long.'
The National Union endorses Friends of the Earth and Sierra Legal's court challenge of the Conservative government's inaction on climate change. With the real possibility of not meeting Kyoto targets, Canadians risk failure on the international stage and meeting our environmental responsibilities.