This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

Shelagh Germyn trekking 260 kilometres from Campbell River to Victoria

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'This year's theme is Celebrating Immigrant Women in Canada.'

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'The continued dedication of HSABC's leadership and members to support the fight to end breast cancer is inspirational.' - James Clancy, NUPGE president

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Promise to OPSEU in advance of Oct. 10 Ontario election

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As in Ontario, Manitoba's social assistance rates are not keeping up with the cost of living. In Manitoba 60,000 people use employment and income assistance (EIA) as their major source of income. This assistance program as well as the shelter assistance has not kept pace with inflation.

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Federal Tories admit tax incentives to create more child care spaces not working

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A broad coalition of community organizations and poverty groups have formed to address the ever-worsening poverty in Ontario.

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Friends of Earth Canada taking Harper government to Federal Court

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The Suzuki Foundation has released a report entitled “Prescription for a Healthy Canada”. It highlights shocking news about Canada and our environmental health.

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Why is John Tory so eager to push Ontario into more U.S.-style health care delivery? 

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Study finds no demographic time bomb waiting to go off in our health care system 

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Lawful access could represent serious infringement on Canadian's privacy rights


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Mediation ends as employer continues to demand rollbacks

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Ontario Health Coalition criticizes failure to meet promise to bring in a regulation requiring nursing homes to provide reasonable levels of care for vulnerable seniors.

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Dramatic change over past decade, StatsCan reports

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