This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

You can make a difference in someone’s life

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Information kit helps British Columbia drivers evaluate road maintenance

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Recent amendments to PEI's Occupational Health and Safety Act General Regulations, now require specific employer precautions to protect the hearing of workers in every workplace in PEI.

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'Violence is far less likely between equals. . .therefore, equality and respect of all people is a crucial concept. . .women have not yet achieved equality, and this must be redressed.' - Witness at the Canadian Panel on Violence Against Women, 1993

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Billion-dollar British IT privatization gamble runs into trouble

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Canada is ignoring the plight of the people of Colombia by negotiating a free trade agreement with the Uribe government.

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Proposed deal includes long list of contract improvements

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Ipsos Reid poll commissioned by Great-West Life Centre for Mental Health in the Workplace

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Canada has a tax system that most would find offensive, says CCPA

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'Pension assets represent deferred wages and should be deployed in the interests of active and retired members.'

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How Much Pension Will an Individual Need?

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(Oct 26, 2007) -- 'Union activity is an integral part of democratic civil society. Our problems are social and economic, but the solution remains political.'

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Business community lobbying aggressively for privatization in Nov. 7 election campaign

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Conference to provide a forum for the labour and human rights communities to explore labour rights as fundamental human rights

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(Oct 11, 2007) -- 'Lost jobs, stagnating wages, historic gap between rich and poor. These are the types of trends that can pull a country apart at the seams.'

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