This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

Youth and climate change activists across the country are trying to stop the government from killing the Climate Change Accountability Act, Bill C-377. Endless hours of conservative filibustering have driven the committee meetings into the wee hours.

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Poverty afflicts 12.6% of all Ontario children including 44% of all children in low-income families

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Legislation designed as an incentive for the Quebec’s large number of baby boomers to keep working pass 55 to ease an impending labour shortage.

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Plan facing a $12.7 billion shortfall, about 11 percent short of meeting current pension obligations.

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AMO should treat paramedics the same as police and firefighters

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Ottawa (31 March 2008) - Monday, April 28th, 2008 is the National Day of Mourning for Workers Killed or Injured on the Job. This is a time to mourn for those lost on the job, as we work to strengthen safety standards and reduce the health and safety risks that workers take each day.

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Friends of the Earth Canada continues with litigation to hold the Canadian government accountable for inaction on the Kyoto Protocol.

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The first comprehensive national study in a decade on where and how climate change will impact Canada provides dramatic evidence of the costs of climate change and the need for urgent action, say representatives of the Climate Action Network Canada- Réseau action climat Canada.

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Value of all pension funds in Canada amounted to $957.2 billion for the three-month period ending September 2007

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National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE) is encouraging Canadians to raise their voices against the war in Iraq and Afghanistan and participate local events on the anniversary of

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First-ever sharehoder votes on 'say-for-pay' at Canada's big banks get strong support

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Revitalizing our manufacturing sector, driving green building, promoting safer chemicals and realizing the economic benefits of global warming are all pieces of the just transition puzzle.

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SRI now growing at a much faster pace than the broader universe of all investment assets under professional management

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Slightly more than two million people between the ages of 55 and 64 were employed in 2006—a 43% increase over 2001 figures

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Budget proposes to increase income exemption under the GIS program to 100 per cent of the first $3,500 of employment income

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