This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

Canada lags badly in survey of paid vacation and paid holidays among 21 OECD countries

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Corporations – not workers – have been banking the lion’s share of benefits from economic growth

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Vanda Klumper elected division chairperson

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Delegates applaud leadership taken by National Union in campaign focusing on labour rights

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President-elect of the Canadian Society of Respiratory Therapists passed away unexpectedly in May at age 36

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'We look forward to strengthening and deepening our common bonds.' - James Clancy

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Time for all Ontario political parties to end the prohibition on organizing

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The G-8 club of industrialized countries comes to a general agreement to cut their emissions 50% by 2050, compared to 1990 levels. The US insists China and India come on-board for the successor agreement to Kyoto.

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NUPGE urges members to recognize and celebrate the value of diversity

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(Mar 30, 2007) -- 'As the facts clearly demonstrate, with last week’s budget stuffed with platitudes rather than solutions, the Harper government just doesn’t have what it takes to build the kind of future most Canadians want and deserve.'

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Private contractors trying to enforce seven-year contracts and tiny pay increases on workers

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Labour has long complained that Ottawa is diverting billions in premiums collected from ordinary workers

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37 million Americans live below the poverty line in the richest country on earth

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Education Day will be held Thursday followed by business meeting on Friday

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The drive to organize part-time college faculty and support workers in Ontario

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