This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

'We are strongest when we are united. Racism divides us from within and makes us weaker.' - James Clancy

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Naming new pedestrian bridge after Irish immigrants would honour labourers who worked and died to build the Rideau Canal

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Pre-election spending spree may wipe out $9.2 billion surplus by the end of 2007, says Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

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'There is no place for the profit motive when it comes to guaranteeing the security of citizens.' - Leah Casselman

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Campbell government watered down safety standards after coming to power in 2001

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After accusing Liberals of using Employment Insurance fund as a 'partisan piggy bank', Harper Conservatives are now doing the same thing.

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Major drive underway to organize 17,000 workers at 24 Ontario colleges

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NUPGE urging members and supporters across Canada to support the campaign

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NUPGE urging members and supporters across Canada to support the campaign

Ottawa (7 March 2007) - Thousands of people are signing an online petition to pressure the Hershey Co. to reverse its decision to close down its Canadian plant in Smiths Falls and move operations to Monterrey, Mexico.

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Proposal follows news that money-making Smiths Falls Hershey plant will go to Mexico

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Gap widest in 30 years even though the poor are working harder than ever

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Business lobby group's 'research' on pensions laced with misleading information and false claims

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356,000 violent incidents reported; 71% physical assaults

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Everyone who wants to see these workers get a fair and just settlement should send a message to Mary Anne Chambers, Minister of Children and Youth Services.

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Sex-discrimination case is largest in American history

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