This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

(Mar 15, 2007) -- 'Doris Anderson was an important journalist, women’s rights champion and activist.  Canada mourns her loss, but celebrates a remarkable life.'

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'All Local 22 members demonstrated an unshakable resolve.' - Bargaining team

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Events scheduled in London, Kingston and Thunder Bay

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Top 10% earn 75 times more than bottom 10%

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(Mar 4, 2007) -- 'We are spending lots of money for war  and military equipment but what happens when our soldiers come home?'

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Human Rights Watch says workers have 'virtually no chance' to organize

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Seven-year campaign to 'serve communities responsibly' has raised $1.67 million

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A good first step but changes fall far short of what is needed, says 40,000-member coalition

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National ceremonies each April 28 honour the approximately 1,000 workers killed and injured on the job each year

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Ontario would be better off with LCBO outlets

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Radical B.C. trade deal was negotiated in secret by Klein and Campbell

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Study shows $16 million annually being siphoned out of Ontario revenues by privately-operated stores

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The question remains - why was it left to an outside group like the labour council to take the initiative?

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Provincial opposition leader would increase number of private retail outlets

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CCPA says existing rates leave full-time, year-round workers $4,000 to $6,000 below poverty line

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