This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

NS government announces three-person Expert Committee to review Nova Scotia’s Pension Benefits Act

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Group says 'It's Time for Public Child Care'

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Anti-worker Robert Battista, the point man in Bush’s war on workers

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Send the Finance Minister your thoughts and ideas about why child care services are important for children and families and Canada’s economy.

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Employment has increased 10 times faster among older workers aged 55 and over than among workers aged 25 to 54

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Appeal in a 2007 decision of the Ontario Court of Appeal to Court to determine the appropriate conduct of employers managing employee pension funds

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Seventeen research papers  on topics ranging from the funding, taxation, and governance of pension plans, to comparative models of risk-based industries and guarantee funds.

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Growing support among investment management firms for shareholder proposals that address excessive executive compensation

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'Poor equity performance in the fourth quarter took its toll on plans’ funded status'

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City will invite pension fund investors to consider investing in the revitalization of Toronto’s historic Union Station

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Top 100 executives paid $8.5 million compared to average worker's salary of $38,998

Hundred dollar billsOttawa (3 Jan. 2008) At 10:33 a.m. on New Year's Day, top Canadian chief executive officers (CEOs) had already "earned" more money than the average Canadian worker will make in all of 2008.

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The KYOTOplus pledge is part of a national global warming petition campaign launched on Parliament Hill by a broad collective of environmental and public interest organizations.

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OPSEU says report echoes concerns it has expressed on many occasions

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Outrageous private profits and secrecy condemned by Ontario Health Coalition

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'The telecommunications companies are going to continue to act in this manner unless there is legislation in place to protect consumers.' - James Clancy

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