This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

MGEU/NUPGE members to vote on new contract in January 2013.

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“We have been at the table for nine months trying to work with health employers to find solutions to the crisis in recruitment and retention that’s hurting the system’s ability to deliver the quality health care British Columbians deserve.” - Reid Johnson, HSABC President.

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SFU Childcare employer refuses to address outstanding issues in bargaining, walks away from table.

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After a decade of cuts and neglect, community workers believe the B.C. government needs to re-fund community-based social services programs.

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On December 10, Human Rights Day, the World March of Women has organized 24 Hours of Feminist Action around the World.
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Send a message to Prime Minister Harper expressing your concern about the lack of action to protect Indigenous women from harm and to prosecute the perpetrators of violence.

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“The principle of wage parity is very important to the membership who works alongside other Capital Health employees doing the exact same job.”

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Tentative agreement reached with Shoppers Drug Mart on the heels of the announcement the company will not renew its contract with Alberta Health Services.

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I am asking our members and all Canadians to join us in supporting a national inquiry into missing and murdered Aboriginal women - James Clancy, NUPGE National President.

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“This agreement provides a solid foundation for local bargaining committees to negotiate a fair and reasonable agreement.” - Darryl Walker, BCGEU President.

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The actions of the Minister of Foreign Affairs are out of step with the tradition of diplomacy that Canadians have been so proud of. The belligerent bully is not the persona that I want my country to adopt on the world stage.

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"People know that when economic injustice and inequality exist, our families and our communities suffer. Economic well being is a human right that must be protected." - James Clancy, NUPGE National President.

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"The message this legislation sends to motorists is a positive and necessary one: give us room to work and do your part to ensure that health and safety is the first priority on our roads and highways." - Wayne Chacun, MGEU/NUPGE paramedic.

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“In many communities they are their family’s sole income earners. Why does Tim Hudak want to kill off these jobs that help build strong communities?”

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"We already have six or seven layers of upper and middle management above most unionized workers in government. Why would we need to take another layer of employees out of the union and add them to this managerial bureaucracy?" asked Bymoen.

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