This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

Bargaining committee recommends acceptance of new offer.

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“Membership solidarity gave us the strength to reach a deal that shows proper respect for the important services these workers provide.”

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“We are pleased to have a new three year collective agreement for the members, who provide laundry services for Capital Health, IWK, South Shore and Colchester regional hospitals,” says Joan Jessome, NSGEU President.

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The rich and the rest of us: A northern forum on jobs, inequality, and the future of Ontario – January 8, 2013.

Sudbury (21 Dec. 2012) - Inequality is on the rise in Ontario. Wages are falling; profits are soaring. The poor are getting poorer, the middle class is shrinking and the top one per cent is getting a lot richer. The public services we all depend on are being slashed to pay for tax cuts for the richest corporations in the country.

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Chief Spence’s action has helped to galvanize a movement called Idle No More, which arose as a result of the federal government’s recent omnibus Bill C-45.

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The agreement includes wage increases in each year of the agreement, as well as new language on travel compensation, performance appraisals and maternity leave.

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More dates scheduled for negotiations in January 2013.

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"The real threat to our economy is the constant attack on the wages of Canadians, something being encouraged by the Harper government. When people have less income, they spend less, or they borrow more and they have less to save for retirement. None of these scenarios help build a stable economy," continued Clancy.

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Negotiations began in October and the bargaining committee worked diligently and productively with PSEA and employer representatives to achieve these agreements.

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"We want much more than poverty, violence, exploitation and murder for Aboriginal Women." – Michèle Audette, Native Women’s Association of Canada.

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AODSP members are handing out postcards calling on MPPs to support a humane system of income and vocational supports for people with disabilities.

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Add your voice to the MFL's campaign at Have Your Say to share your story with the provincial government.

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Pay starts with you! campaign by the Coalition for Pay Equity in New Brunswick continues its important work.

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Outstanding issues such as wages, parental leave and contracting out remain unresolved.

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Richard Wilkinson, one of the world’s most preeminent researchers on social inequalities, and author of the Spirit Level: Why Equality is Better for Everyone will kick of the CFLR conference as the keynote speaker.

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