This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

OPSEU/NUPGE members employed in the Ontario public service are invited to join the conversation about bargaining on November 28 and 29.

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"Our bargaining team has proposed reasonable improvements that will help keep these highly specialized health science professionals from going to other provinces to work,” Reid Johnson, HSABC President said.

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DiverseCity is going on strike to send a clear message to the B.C. government: stop putting vulnerable families last!

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"Douglas College support staff deserve a fair and reasonable wage increase in line with what support staff at other post secondary institutions have received," said Darryl Walker, BCGEU President.

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ISC earned $93.3 million for Saskatchewan people from 2007-2011.

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“Manitobans have every right to ask Premier Selinger: What programs and services is he looking to cut and why would he endanger economic growth in this way?”

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"Surely, this will send the message to the employer and the B.C. government that members are serious about getting a fair and reasonable agreement." - BCGEU President Darryl Walker.

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“When you take away those dollars in the name of austerity and deficit-busting, a child and their family are negatively impacted.  Is this the sort of legacy our government has chosen to adopt?” - OPSEU President Warren (Smokey) Thomas.

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If Conservatives succeed in killing or weakening unions, the real victims will be the Canadian middle class. Union jobs form the foundation of the middle class, even though many members of that class do not belong to unions.

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"I can’t understand why there would be no mention of these details when the Minister was face-to-face with the working people directly affected by this legislation,” said Bob Bymoen, SGEU President.

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“Our members at Main Street Project do an amazing job in the face of a very challenging work environment." - Michelle Gawronsky, MGEU President.

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MGEU/NUPGE making headway on Sherriff issues across the province. 

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BCGEU/NUPGE support staff members at BCIT picket again; vocational instructors take strike vote Monday.

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Employees at Calgary outpatient pharmacies warn public care levels being undermined

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Individually and collectively these members did what it takes to protect the quality services they deliver to the people they care for in their community."

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