This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

We will be doing a disservice to our collective goal of achieving greater equality if all Canadians don't mount a spirited and vigorous offence in support of labour rights and unions.

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Bargaining for BCGEU/NUPGE members have reached an impasse.

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Join workers from Community Living Greater Sudbury at a rally to back reasonable contract demands in bargaining today from 11 a.m. until noon.

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For too long, women have been having conversations in isolation from each other about the current context that women and women’s organizations find themselves in.

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"Manitobans are going to be paying more for this service, and if other provinces' experiences are a barometer, we’re going to lose jobs while we’re at it." - Michelle Gawronsky, President MGEU/NUPGE

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Workers from thirteen agencies were off the job December 13, sending a strong message to government: stop putting vulnerable families last, and provide the resources needed to improve wages and working conditions.

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Alirio Uribe Muñoz, President of Colombia's Jose Alvear Restrepo Lawyers Collective (CCAJAR), was accompanied by Pascal Paradis from Lawyers Without Borders Canada (LWBC) to a meeting with NUPGE's National Executive Board.

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"Instead of doing photo opportunities with pop stars or newlyweds or kissing babies he should be meeting with Chief Theresa Spence in an effort to help First Nations communities.” - James Clancy, National President, NUPGE

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Eleven EU countries received overwhelming support to pursue introduction of Financial Transactions Tax.  The countries involved account for 90 per cent of the Eurozone's Gross Domestic Product.

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“Quality childcare services help UBC recruit and retain outstanding faculty and staff. This reality must be reflected in the pay scales for its early childhood educators."

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Homes First management is asking for major concessions in contract talks. Show your support for the workers who provide housing and support services for those in need.

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It is estimated that migrant workers have contributed $3.4 million annually into Canada's Employment Insurance scheme. However it was not until 2002 that some migrant workers started to access special benefits.

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Ratification vote to be held in early January 2013.

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"We need the federal government to take a stronger role in monitoring the sector and making regulations mandatory rather than leaving it up to the discretion of self-interested big business." - James Clancy, NUPGE National President.

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SGEU/NUPGE hosts family Christmas party to kick off the holiday season.

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