This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

Enjoy lunch and a family skate on January 17 and February 7.

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“These women and men provide important services for the students in almost every Department at the university. They deserve a fair contract that respects the work they do.”

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Details will be distributed to members as soon as they are available, as well as information on dates, times and locations of a ratification vote.

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World Economic Forum releases pessimistic report.  The report sees severe income disparity and Climate Change as among top three greatest risks to world economy.

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New treaties could undermine the ability of Canadians to pursue public policies that curb domination of the fisheries by large corporations and help spread the benefits of the fishery.

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Along with Public Private Partnerships (P3s), Social Impact Bonds are a bit like money laundering because they allow politicians to hide debt.

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Negotiations conclude; bargaining committee recommends acceptance.

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Top elected leaders from eight major Ontario unions will be in Sudbury Tuesday night to host a forum on income inequality in the province.

Sudbury (07 Jan. 2012) - Inequality is on the rise in Ontario. Wages are falling; profits are soaring. The poor are getting poorer, the middle class is shrinking and the top one per cent is getting a lot richer. The public services we all depend on are being slashed to pay for tax cuts for the richest corporations in the country.

So why is this happening? And what do we do about it?

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“This isn’t a round of bargaining that will contain any concessions for our membership. We want a fair and reasonable deal.”

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Meetings with members will be set shortly to determine how to proceed.

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“The public wants to see the LCBO remain a valued public asset that contribute attractive annual dividends to help pay for education, health care and infrastructure.” - Warren (Smokey) Thomas, OPSEU President.

Toronto (07 Jan. 2013) — The union representing more than 7,000 LCBO workers has endorsed the Crown agency’s decision to open ‘Express’ stores in several large grocery stores and to inaugurate boutique outlets for the sale of Ontario quality wines.

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In a cynical move the Province's education Minister promises to repeal Bill 115 after using it to impose contracts.

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Eighty-five new members choose NAPE/NUPGE as union.

St. John's (04 Jan. 2013) — The Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Public and Private Employees (NAPE/NUPGE) has been certified by the Labour Relations Board as the bargaining agent for both South Coast Home Care and Caring Hands.

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“Our members deserve a collective agreement that reflects the true value of their services to the people they support in the community.” - BCGEU Treasurer Stephanie Smith.

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“Despite a difficult round of bargaining, we have been able to negotiate a collective agreement that brings job security for health care workers,” said Stephanie Smith, BCGEU Treasurer.

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