This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

Workers ratify new collective agreement after being locked out by employer.

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“In these uncertain economic times these tentative agreements are an investment in public services in our province and the women and men who deliver them.” - Darryl Walker, BCGEU President.

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A new NANOS poll released during Medicare Week shows majority of Canadians want the federal government to provide fixed healthcare funding to the provinces that does not see-saw according to the relative strength of the economy.

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"On this International Day for Persons with Disabilities we show our respect and solidarity for people with disabilities and the gains that have been made. But if we want to achieve truly equal of all Canadians, we must continue our work to ensure no barrier is left." - James Clancy, NUPGE National President.

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The employer is threatening to make matters worse as they propose to cut three front line jobs at the agency after adding two new managers. Workers say the changes will challenge their ability to deliver consistent high-quality support for clients.

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Come out today in Calgary or Edmonton to voice your concern over Alberta govenrment's new anti-public service legislation. If you can't make it, let your MLA know how you feel.

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Psychiatric nursing HSABC/NUPGE members prepare for bargaining.

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Ottawa (01 Dec. 2013) - The focus of this year's World Aids Day by the World Health Organization (WHO) is on HIV and young people.

Did you know that there were 35.3 million people living with HIV in 2012, with 2.1 of those people being adolescents. According to the WHO, many young people do not receive the care and support that they need to stay in good health and prevent transmission. In addition, millions more adolescents are at risk of infection.

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This will cost the Conservatives seats in the next election.

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“We are pleased the government has recognized the need to expand the services and hire more employees.”

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Redford should address real issues in the province like fixing the broken tax system and corporate giveaways instead of targeting hardworking public service workers.

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Governments are making income inequality much worse. Canadians are getting involved to make a difference.

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“The lack of such legislation has prolonged strikes and caused undue hardship for the working people of this province, including the workers who are currently on strike at Labatt in St. John’s,” said NAPE President Carol Furlong.

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Our union is unrivalled for Allied Health Professionals because we have expertise in bargaining, research, and protecting our members when changes occur in the workplace. We are the union of choice for health care in Ontario.” - Warren (Smokey) Thomas, OPSEU President.

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Members of the PEI Union of Public Sector Employees (PEIUPSE/NUPGE) will be participating in this years service on December 6, the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women. 

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