This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

“If the measure of a country is how it treats its most vulnerable citizens, then their work is invaluable.” - James Clancy, NUPGE National President.

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“Hopefully this strong consensus amongst provincial and territorial Finance Ministers to enhance the CPP will be enough to get federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty to reconsider the federal government’s position”: James Clancy.

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“While we still don’t know all the details of the CETA, one thing is clear: the agreement will seriously impact the ability of Canadians to afford quality health care,” concludes Dr. Lexchin.

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Members who do not comply with flu vaccine ruling may be fired. 

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PEIUPSE/NUPGE has been working hard against government changes to public service worker pension plans that will dramatically reduce retirement security. Make sure the government knows you don't agree with cutting retirement income. 

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If low income was considered a disease causing death, it would rank second in Canada to cancer, says Dr. James Dunn. 

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Tell your Member of Parliament you do not support the amendments to the Canada Labour Code. Ask them to vote against the bill and help workers be safe on the job.

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Employer refuses to put key proposals on the table for bargaining.

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“We are delighted to offer these scholarships each year to recognize the outstanding talent of the youth of our province and our union,” said NAPE President Carol Furlong.

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In the month-and-a-half that we were on the road, we travelled nearly 12,000 kilometres, visited more than 30 communities, and met more than 3,000 Atlantic Canadians struggling to get by in this era of rising income inequality. Check out our photo stream from the road

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"I urge anyone who is thinking about donating to the March of Dimes this holiday season to think again. It is an organization that puts its own interests before the needs of its clients and employees." - Warren (Smokey) Thomas, OPSEU President.

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“There is nothing convenient about having almost 200 government liquor stores closed on Sunday when almost all other retailers are open. That makes no sense. The public stores offer the best selection and the lowest prices.” - Darryl Walker, BCGEU President.

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The theme for this year's Appreciation Day is Let's Rethink Child Care. Together We Can Make It Better.

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Bill C-4, another of the Harper government's undemocratic Omnibus budget bills, will dramatically tip the balance of collective bargaining in favour of the federal government, effectively take away public service workers' right to strike and will put the lives of workers in the federal sector at risk by redefining dangerous work. 

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"Your poem Why Unions Matter beautifully captures a slice of the good that unions do, from empowering teachers to stand up for themselves and their students to providing your parents a chance to help their friends and co-workers live more secure, content, and productive lives," said NUPGE National President James Clancy.

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