This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

"Workers across the country  are working harder and longer than ever before, only to see their wages frozen and rolled back or jobs eliminated, while CEOs enjoy the riches of our labour. This report reveals just how dramatic the wage divide really is." - James Clancy, NUPGE National President.

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Strike votes to begin for VON members ahead of conciliation meetings. 

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Health science professionals have voted 76 per cent in favour of accepting a new five-year contract.

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Low wages and poor benefits pushing more home support workers in Ontario onto picket line.  

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With reports that the federal government will announce a greater surplus than expected the National Union urges the development and use of a Fairness Test to ensure that future budgets reduce, not increase, income inequality.

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We have encouraged innovation. We have encouraged modernization. We have encouraged Canada Post to find ways to attract more users. We have encouraged public engagement and consultation on the future of our postal service. Yet, we've seen none of that.

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Using a P3 will cost the Québec public at least $1 billion more than if the hospital had been built using traditional procurement. 

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“Even though their own futures are uncertain, these members are putting their money towards the services that the patients of Providence Care will need in the community” said OPSEU President Smokey Thomas.

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"For our organizations, a negotiated settlement is better than a forced agreement" said La Fédération des travailleurs et travailleuses du Québec union leaders.

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B.C. Government and Service Employees' Union (BCGEU/NUPGE) is welcoming report from provinces' Workers' Compensation Board on health and safety concerns at Vancouver Island Regional Correctional Centre.

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Dock workers held rallies at ports in Sweden, the Netherlands, Australia, Japan, Norway, Finland, Belgium, Denmark, the United Kingdom and Canada to support locked out IKEA workers. 

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“This type of voodoo economics serves no purpose but to give the Conservatives a soapbox to preach on, despite the fact the soapbox is built on falsehoods,” said Thomas.

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Expanding the Canada Pension Plan and Québec Pension Plans – everyone’s pension plan - will make sure that all workers in Canada can count on a  decent pension in retirement. Sign the petition today!

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Hudak told Global TV’s Alan Carter, “Listen, I enjoy debate, I enjoy the fight. I really had no talent in life except running my mouth – that’s why I got in politics.”

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Albertans will be left to pick up the tab again, warns health-care union.

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