This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

“Lastly, government’s ‘immunity clause’ in the pension legislation speaks volumes about their lack of faith in their own numbers." - Debbie Bovyer, PEIUPSE President.

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"There is no strategy, federally or provincially, to keep good jobs in Canada. These were good jobs that allowed families to do more than struggle every week, they were jobs you could raise a family on." - James Clancy, NUPGE National President.

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"Ontarians deserve truthful and concise information. Our debate, should you decide to engage, is one way to deliver this reasoned dialogue." – Warren (Smokey) Thomas, OPSEU President.

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Aboriginal leaders hope to raise attention on education issues facing First Nations and alter the current bill before Parliament.

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“In light of the tragic events this past week and the continued call by veterans, both young and old, for the need to maintain the support services offered in these offices, the Harper government must immediately rescind the decision to close these offices." - Carol Furlong, NAPE President.

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Unfortunately, despite Canada's close connection to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Declaration has been constantly undermined here in Canada because of the ongoing attack on labour rights.

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"It was members of unions – workers who felt empowered enough and safe enough to speak their minds and act on their consciences – who were among the first to take up Mandela's cause" - James Clancy, National President.

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Sydney (09 Dec. 2013) – Cape Breton Regional Police Officers (CBRPS), members of the Nova Scotia Government and General Employees Union (NSGEU/NUPGE) are looking for the same treatment and consideration as their colleagues in other police forces who work in Nova Scotia and other jurisdictions across the country.

Police officers in Cape Breton want equal treatment as those working across the province

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“We went into bargaining with the position that we would not accept a deal that reduced job security or failed to address some of the inequities in pay and benefits in the collective agreement. This tentative agreement delivers that," says Walker.

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Serco and G4S are both being investigated for corruption by the British Serious Fraud Office. Serco operates privatized services in Canada such as passenger and baggage screening at airports, parolee electronic monitoring systems, driver testing, life insurance agent certification as well as security guard/private investigator accreditation services.

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Unions are uniquely placed to make a real difference to the lives of workers who may be experiencing violence in the home.  And that makes work safer, for everyone. This December 6, union women are remembering and taking action.

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“These proposed laws are a blatant violation of Canadians' fundamental rights to freedom of association and expression as contained in Canada's Charter.  Equally offensive is the undemocratic way the Redford government introduced the legislation and the dictatorial process by which it intends to pass the two anti-union laws.”

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"Without a coherent modern industrial strategy, it is easy for employers and governments to offer low wage, precarious jobs," says James Clancy, NUPGE National President. "And without a strong labour movement looking out for this economic inequality, and fighting against it, the bosses get away with it."

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"Frank's message is one we can all hear more often," said Clancy. "We want to congratulate Frank for sharing his struggle with all of us, for standing strong and for showing us exactly why unions matter.' - James Clancy, NUPGE National President.

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NUPGE collectively contributes more than $60,000 to international aid organizations.  Union reminds members that the federal government will match contributions to Philippines relief until December 23rd (date extended from previous deadline).

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