This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

HSAA/NUPGE donates $10,000 while board member flies out to help disaster victims.

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Supreme Court of Canada finds Alberta's privacy law in violation of section 2(b) – the right to freedom association – of the Charter, insofar as it restricts a union’s ability to collect, use or disclose personal information during the course of a lawful strike.

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Trade union member Oscar López Triviño, who worked for Nestlé, was killed on 9 November in Bugalagrande, south-western Colombia. One day earlier, paramilitaries sent a death threat to members of the union to which he belongs.  Other members of the union are still at risk.

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NUPGE delegates overwhelmingly supported continuing the campaign on tax fairness at its 2013 Convention. Read more on the action plan. 

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“We can stop the drastic cuts to our pension by working together!”  - Debbie Bovyer, PEIUPSE President.

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Billion dollar multi-national corporation refuses to get back to the table to negotiate a fair settlement. NAPE/NUPGE requests a conciliation board to assist.

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NSGEU/NUPGE members remain strong in the face of employer concessionary demands.

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Super Typhoon Haiyan has devastated large areas of the Philippines.  Thousands are dead and 11 million more are affected.  The National Union is urging members to donate to support relief efforts through partner Oxfam Canada.

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A National Public Inquiry would increase public awareness of this human rights crisis in Canada.

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All of the money raised by this event stays in the community to fund various programs and services offered by organizations in Portage and the surrounding communities.

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Another ruling from the International Labor Organisation against the Conservative government for violations on labour rights.

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March of Dimes bullies its workers into taking wage and benefits cuts, locks them out rather than negotiate a fair agreement.

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The report repeatedly criticizes wasteful MCFD spending on consultations centered around governance and service delivery consultations, to the detriment of front-line services and direct service provision.

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"We have these programs today because of the work many of us have done over decades," said James Clancy, NUPGE National President. "Retired workers may not be on the job every day anymore, but they have certainly not given up the fight to improve the lives of Canadians everywhere."

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“All too often there is a seamy side to privatization,” said James Clancy, National President of the National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE). 

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