This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

'The fear of stigma leads to silence, and in the fight against AIDS, silence is death.' - NUPGE president James Clancy

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'If you’re a worker in Nova Scotia, you are not protected.' - Joan Jessome

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Ratification approved following province-wide vote

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Housing, welfare rates and minimum wage among key issues addressed by delegates

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'A historic turning point for hospital workers’ and long-term care workers’ retirement income security.'

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Victory for government workers and for employees of crown agencies like the LCBO

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Prepared for the ministry of health and obtained by OPSEU under Ontario freedom of information laws

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Delegates will hear addresses by George Heyman, Larry Brown, David Suzuki and Libby Davies

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OPSEU says 60% threshold for approval is too high

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Four awards of $1,500 given each year to children of NUPGE members

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First convention since election of new president

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NSuccessful convention sets stage for dealing with Liberals under Shawn Graham

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'It’s essential that we make our great health care system even better.' NUPGE President James Clancy

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Successful convention sets stage for dealing with Liberals under Shawn Graham

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The proposed 'tough on crime' legislation would exacerbate an already critical situation in our provincial correctional facilities.

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