This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

National Union is urging members and all concerned activists to protest the actions of the Korean government.

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"There was so many highlights I don't know just where to begin," Carol Meyer.

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One in nine women will develop breast cancer

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"This year's theme is Aboriginal Women, The Journey Forward."

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Seasonal Mexican workers organized by United Food and Commercial Workers

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National Pharmaceutical Strategy report released by provincial health ministers

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OPSEU criticizes plan, saying it guarantees that liquor and wine bottles will be smashed and melted down after just a single use

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Liquor Control Board of Ontario sells 600 million alcohol containers a year

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Private operators have no incentive to enforce the province's legal drinking age, union says

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The first Canadian parade for workers' rights was held in Toronto on April 15, 1872

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Figure has increased from 1.4 million in 1967 - Statistics Canada

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Private contractor assailed for failing to keep up with oil boom demand for alcohol supplies

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'It is imperative we all work together.' - Derek Blackburn

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Hiring children as young as 12 remains legal in one of Canada's richest provinces

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Powerful lobby group seizes on change in cancer drug approval system to push for introduction of potentially broad system of user fees

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