This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

SHARE report sheds light on how mutual funds exercise their powerful voting rights to maintain the status quo in corporate Canada

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More than $900 million loss in investments rocked by the U.S. credit crisis

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Regulations to allow the use of letters of credit to secure pension fund solvency deficiencies

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This week provincial premiers met in Quebec City to discuss, among other things, climate change strategies.

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Only 38.1% of paid workers had a registered pension plans in 2006

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First-ever collective bargaining agreement to apply to seasonal migrant workers in Canada, capping a 21-month struggle for union rights and representation

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Damages claimed for Nortel's 'failure to provide to their employees reasonable notice of the changes to the pension plan.'

Ottawa (25 June 2008) – A class-action lawsuit has been filed on behalf of employees of Nortel Networks from across Canada regarding recent changes made to their pension plan. The lawsuit was filed in Ontario Superior Court yesterday by the Ottawa law firm of Nelligan O'Brien Payne LLP.

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The biggest corporate takeover in Canadian history – the purchase of BCE Inc. by a group led by the plan

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The Bonn session of the United Nations climate negotiations closed today with some new ideas on the table but only marginal progress towards a climate change deal,

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"Employees ultimately bear the cost of DB (and DC plans), even if the employer and the employee ostensibly share these costs."

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Increase is 0.7 percent over the previous quarter

Ottawa (6 June 2008) —Human Resources and Social Development Canada today announced the latest benefit rates for Old Age Security (OAS).

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Head of Ontario Teachers Pension Plan calls for National Pension Reform Summit

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Tthe ability of Canadians to put away adequate retirement savings is in jeopardy: C.D. Howe Institute proposes "a practical solution to the problem" – the Canada Supplementary Pension Plan

Toronto (30 May 2008) – Shortcomings in workplace pensions and individual retirement saving plans mean millions of Canadians face large declines in living standards when they retire. The answer, according to the C.D. Howe Institute is a major new supplementary pension plan for Canadians.

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This green social networking site develop by NBU's Peter Corbyn, is an opportunity for components to engage members with others from across Canada.

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France's government wants to extend the period of pension contributions from 40 to 41 years.

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