This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

RSI Awareness Day will be marked across the country on Feb. 28.

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'Cutting public sector jobs is a strange way to stimulate the struggling economy.' - Warren (Smokey) Thomas.

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York professor, Carla Lipsig-Mummé receives $1 million from SSHRC, to study work in a warming world.

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'The proposed changes are an unconscionable attack on the most vulnerable segment of the Island’s labour force.' - Shelley Ward.

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'Amoral political warriors' must not have equal status with public service employees.

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Toronto (February 10, 2010) - Employers at 20 agencies across Ontario sign on to Joint Declaration with OPSEU, CUPE and OASIS.

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Most Canadians are worried about their retirement security. NUPGE is pressing the federal government to hold a national summit with a series of radio ads launched this week in the nation's capital.

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Negative record on the environment and climate change has damaged Canada's image on the global stage.

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'Our members want HSABC to negotiate a fair contract ... they are deeply committed to making sure British Columbians get the public health services they need.' - Reid Johnson.

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(11 Feb. 2010) - The top priority for the upcoming federal budget must be to preserve and create good jobs. The budget should also invest in building a healthier, smarter, greener and more secure Canada, says NUPGE president James Clancy.

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'Normal human resource practices' have now resumed across the province.

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'During times of economic crisis, campaigns like the Living Wage are all the more important.' - NUPGE president James Clancy.

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Ontario Public Service Employees Union says mail-in ballots remain to be counted over the next 10 days.

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This Friday is the last day Canadians can contribute to relief in Haiti and have the federal government contribute the same amount in matching funds.

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'The clients, their families and even the employer have all been vocal in their support of the striking workers.' - Carol Furlong.

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