This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

Date pushed back to accommodate Feb. 10 vote on a concession-laced management offer that the union is encouraging all faculty members to reject.

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Celebrated American 'academic activist' tells Black History Month audience in Canada that 'activism should be a joy.'

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'What Oregonians said today is they believe in public education and vital services.'

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Editorial by Dale Marshall, David Suzuki Foundation (Wednesday, Feb.3, 2010)

Canada, a top ten global polluter, already with the weakest target in the industrialized world, weakened its target even further.

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Ontario unions launch Communities That Work media campaign in advance of new Ontario budget in March.

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Union prepared to delay its Feb. 11 strike vote deadline if necessary to assist with voting.

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'This government ought to be ashamed of its failure to meet its international obligations and responsibilities.' - Judi Filion.

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'We have a solution if the colleges are serious about addressing our issues.' - Ted Montgomery, chair of the OPSEU bargaining team.

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Budget cuts by Campbell government hurt vulnerable young children and leave 40 highly-trained therapists without jobs.

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York University professor disputes the positive assessment of Canada’s migration policies in the UN Human Development Report 2009

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Controversial deal would dump assets for far less than they are worth while giving up control of future energy policy.

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OPSEU says success achieved after 'long and tedious process' dating back to 2003.

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(29 Jan. 2010) - While 2009 provided several significant victories for workers across Canada, governments continued their legislative attack on the rights of labour, says NUPGE president James Clancy.

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'We're honoured that they've chosen our union as the organization that can help them address their concerns.' - Darryl Walker.

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First UN publication on the state of the world’s indigenous peoples reveals alarming statistics on poverty, health, education, employment, human rights, the environment and more.

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