This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

Little interest in addressing 'workplace concerns' of 25,000 health care workers. - Bonnie Erickson, SGEU.

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'The people of New Brunswick are looking for a ruling on the ownership of NB Power and whether the premier of the province of New Brunswick has exceeded his jurisdiction.'

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“The Canadian government has been consistently out of step with the majority in parliament, the Canadian public and provincial governments.'

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'That's the main issue we want to deal with at the table.' - BCGEU president Darryl Walker.

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Irving-owned newspapers blasted for failing to inform citizens adequately about the sale which will mean huge benefits for the Irving family.

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Stelmach government's Feb. 9 budget could cost up to 60,000 jobs, the fallout being even greater in the private sector than the public sector. - Gil McGowan.

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Transfer of employees elsewhere will not save money and the region will lose badly needed medical lab technologists, says Warren (Smokey) Thomas.

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CCPA study says March budget should extend benefits to at least 26 weeks for unemployed Canadians.

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'It makes little sense to issue these layoffs when the possibility remains that replacement jobs may be created.' - Warren (Smokey) Thomas.

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Six national organizations including NUPGE demand a halt to European free trade talks until countrywide consultations can be held.

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Thousands take to the streets across Canada and beyond in the coldest part of the Canadian winter to protest the prime minister's autocratic and partisan closure of Parliament.

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'Faculty must prepare for a strike in the eventuality that an agreement can't be reached.'

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Pension funds claw back from losses caused by the economic crisis.

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Facebook group now has more than 200,000 members and protests are being planned in cities across Canada. Updated

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'Let the government know about the importance of public services to our communities and to our economy.' - Joan Jessome.

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