This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

BCGEU vows not to sign a new collective agreement without 'improved job security provisions.'

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Coalition of New Brunswickers - NB Power Not for Sale will hold a news conference today.

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'Public health professionals undertake important work, including disease prevention, health promotion and community protection.' - Elisabeth Ballermann, HSAA president.

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'LPNs have decided that their interests as professional nurses are best represented with BCGEU.' - Darryl Walker.

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Two provincial watchdogs issue report calling for better complaint process and province-wide tracking system.

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"When you attack people's retirement savings, you are asking for the fight of your life and I think it would be a most unwise thing for any political party to do.”

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Study at four city hospitals represents the first in-depth investigation of 'role overload' in Canada's health care system.

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The important work of all those who care for and support individuals with developmental disabilities is being celebrated in dozens of communities across Ontario today.

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Government may try to impose pattern on other unions based on settlements with health care and school support workers.

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Retiring boomers leading downward trend

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'Our members care deeply about supporting people with mental illnesses.' - Brenda Brown, BCGEU.

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"Our community is losing a supportive home for some of our most vulnerable citizens living with mental illness."

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Tentative settlement affects 4,100 workers at 33 rural hospitals across the province.

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The goal is to stop the government's 'low road approach' to dealing with the recession and replace it with a 'high road approach' that protects services.

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'These dedicated workers provide a vital service that Manitobans rely on and reduces the strain put on our health care system every day. It’s time to make their jobs, full-time jobs.'

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