This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

“Nowhere is a commitment to principled policy, backed by action, needed more than in addressing climate change” ... a quote taken from yesterday’s Throne speech, yet climate change is mentioned 3 times in the 450-page budget document. This speaks volumes.

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Outstanding issues include wages, hours of work, sick leave, pensions, shift premiums and LTD benefits.

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'Workers absolutely refused any further concessions from the agency.' - Warren (Smokey) Thomas.

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Legal experts warn of rights-clawback as Parliament returns

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Offering trade union women an intensive four days of learning and sharing in a supportive environment.

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Welcome counterpoint to longstanding focus on business schools at post-secondary institutions across Canada.

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'These are real gains for health care workers.' - BCGEU president Darryl Walker.

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'Public and community services are key to making sure that the economy recovers quickly and that everyone in British Columbia shares in the economic recovery.' - Darryl Walker.

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'Every B.C. community depends on community social services workers.' - BCGEU.

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NSGEU recommending acceptance of tentative three-year settlement.

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Research assesses overall job satisfaction and outlines workers' insights into the strengths and weaknesses of ANCR organization.

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Students, faculty and staff at the college refused to cross a picket line set up by striking workers.

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“A great demographic divide exists between younger Canadians and those who are nearing retirement or already there. Younger Canadians clearly lack confidence in the viability of public and private pensions in the future, while older Canadians are much more confident.”  - Nik Nanos of Nanos Research

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After over four years in power, Stephen Harper’s government has yet to produce a comprehensive climate change plan of any kind.

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'The global recession wiped out 486,000 full-time Canadian jobs within a year and those jobs aren’t coming back on their own.'

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