This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

'Paying business more to do the same work that has traditionally been done in-house ... is obviously not cost effective.' - Bob Bymoen.

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'We have been assured this is not an exercise to cut jobs but is part of the government’s initiative to meet future challenges.'

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'We're prepared and pleased to welcome our newest members into HSAA's growing family," says HSAA president Elisabeth Ballermann.

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British-based campaign says a charge of just 1/20th of 1% on financial transactions not involving the public would raise an estimated £250 billion ($400 billion Cdn) a year.

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New law tabled in legislature will implement landmark lawsuit provisions won last year by NBUPPE.

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'How they can become the new leadership, incorporating their hopes and concerns.'

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Protecting quality and reversing privatization are the goals of new Ontario University Coalition

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Proper lifting and moving protocols could have avoided this accident.

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On Feb. 8, 2010, an Australian café, its owner, its manager, a waiter and a chef were convicted under Victoria’s Occupational Health and Safety Act for viciously bullying a 19-year-old worker both physically and emotionally to the point where she jumped off a building to her death.

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Criminal charges being laid for an occupational fatality in Sault Ste. Marie sets an important precedent.

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With 2010 being the International Year of Biodiversity, maintaining and expanding protected areas needs to be recognized as a powerful tool against climate change and should be a component of national and sub-national climate change strategies.

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Members and staff of NUPGE and the Health Sciences Association of Alberta (HSAA/NUPGE) will be cheering loudly for a pair of colleagues competing in the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics.

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Report estimate that if only 10 per cent of the permafrost melted, this could lead to the release of an additional 80 parts per million of carbon dioxide equivalent into the atmosphere. This would equate to about 0.7 degrees Celsius of global warming.

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Finance Minister Rosann Wowchuk calls for two-year wage freeze or warns that layoffs will occur. Contract negotiations expected to open mid-March.

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Coalition fighting proposed $3.2 billion sale will bring together an array of experts at Options Summit Feb. 22 in Fredericton. - Updated

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