This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

'The facts only strengthen our conclusion that it is a bad deal for New Brunswick and that serious consideration has not been given to a more desirable option.'

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OPSEU members take anti-privatization message to politicians at Queen's Park.

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OPSEU brings together business, labour, government and community agencies for an in-depth exploration of the future of Ontario.

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Decision allows for debate and hearings but will not result in any changes in the already-negotiated $3.2-billion contract, government says.

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Details of the proposed settlement for SGEU's public service bargaining unit are being withheld pending ratification votes.

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Reality Check: 'A sharp decrease in institutional and political support by the government of Canada for the promotion and protection of the human rights of women and girls.'

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Public sector pensions are paid for by the deferred wages of public employees throughout their careers and private sector workers deserve the same opportunity to protect themselves in retirement.

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'What the government needs to consider is how to create jobs and real investment in Tignish and rural Prince Edward Island.' - Shelley Ward.

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'We need to arm ourselves as never before with information that will help us make the best decisions for our families.' - James Clancy.

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'This vote is not an endorsement of the imposed terms and conditions or the employer’s last offer. Fear of a strike, according to most reports, was a key factor.'

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Stephen Harper has tried hard to obscure a hidden political agenda as prime minister but the reality is that he has 'abused, denied and diminished' democracy in Canada, say James Clancy and Larry Brown of the National Union of Public and General Employees. (NUPGE).

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Nanos Research survey also reveals view that House of Commons may have too little influence.

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'We are pleased to be part of the process.' - Joan Jessome, NSGEU president.

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25,000 health care workers take out newspaper and radio ads to fight back against the Saskatchewan Party government's refusal to bargain a new contract.

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“The Women’s Court finds that fiscal considerations should never suffice as a pressing and substantial basis for overriding equality rights”

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