This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

'Canada may be pulling into recovery but Ontario is not yet out of the recessionary woods.' - CCPA.

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'This is yet another example of our current government piecing away our Crown corporations, regardless of whether or not they are profitable.'

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'The recognition that these programs have received underscores the important services our members provide at MDC every day.' - Peter Olfert.

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New report details government actions that undermine research into the science of climate change

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By far the largest demonstration yet against the sale of NB Power assets to Hydro Quebec.

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'Unless the government mandate changes soon we will be at an impasse.' - BCGEU president Darryl Walker.

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'Municipalities are already dissatisfied with the backlogs and the creation of part-time jobs will only make things worse.' - Ivan Herrington.

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NUPGE calls for thorough review of legislation with the involvement of front-line workers in the sector rather than piecemeal approach to changing the law.

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'We see this round of bargaining as an opportunity for a thoughtful process that will strengthen the system.' - Reid Johnson, HSABC president.

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Private operator Steve Woodburn says Peace River ambulance service is essential but he's willing to shut it down as a bargaining tactic against employees seeking a first contract.

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The budget contained no new initiatives around pensions reform and retirement security. Federal government ignores calls for National Pensions Summit, commits to only undertake consultations.

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This marks second consecutive quarter of growth, however, the value of pension funds still 7.5 percent below the high reached in the second quarter of 2008.

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Sixty-two workers at a factory that manufactures Apple products were poisoned by n-hexane, a toxic chemical that can cause muscular degeneration and blurred eyesight.

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OPSEU president Warren (Smokey) Thomas says Liberal government is seeking advice from an American firm with a vested interest in recommending privatization.

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Includes representation from the arts community, first nations, health care, community services, labour, post-secondary students, youth, environmental and faith groups.

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