This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

Health and finance ministers instructed to design national plan following summer meetings by first ministers in Winnipeg.

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John Baird says Harper Conservatives will make constraint in spending growth 'the centrepiece' of their approach to tackling record federal budget shortfalls.

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Canadian Border Services Agency ordered to pay damages and compensation to woman denied adequate accommodation following childbirth.

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NSGEU holds province-wide meeting to discuss issues related to staff cuts and safety on the job.

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'Outstanding issues include overtime, workloads, job classification and sick leave.'

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'Demand for these services is rising at the same time the B.C. Liberal government is cutting.' - Darryl Walker.

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Workers reject second tentative settlement with agency that has one manager for every two employees.

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The only province in Canada to pay bonuses to staff to cut caseloads and reduce services to injured workers.

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But all governments need to do more, says an analysis by the David Suzuki Foundation and Climate Action Network Canada.

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Arbitration award covers wages, dental, uniforms, time-in-lieu, overtime, vacation, bereavement and more.

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International study says gay-positive countries are vastly outnumbered by those that behave negatively on issues of sexual orientation.

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Speech to AFL-CIO calls on workers to support Democrats this fall over the Republicans 'who drove America's economy into a ditch.'

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'We want to see the B.C. Liberal government and its agencies develop a multi-year plan.' - Darryl Walker.

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'The employer’s wage proposal is extremely offensive.'

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"We didn't release our analysis immediately because, frankly, we were a little bit shocked by the conclusions," Matthew Bramley of the Pembina Institute commented.

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