This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

Bullying is a form of violence in the workplace; it is not part of the job. We all have a responsibility to stop it and work towards a Bully-Free Workplace.

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Canada is not the only Arctic coastal state to become more engaged in Arctic policy over the past few years.

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'Most of the accommodation solutions are inexpensive and don't turn the workplace upside down.'

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'We're calling on the federal government to drop the current action they have in the Supreme Court.'

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Saskatchewan Party government eroding public health care system, say critics.

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Two companies and four corporate officials face a total of 29 charges for failure to protect the safety of employees.

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All parties except Liberals want to make at least some change in 'first past the post' elections.

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'Workers continue to face discrimination based on gender, age, race, sexual orientation, disability and other factors unrelated to their work.'

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Strike began in mid-August against Northern Ontario School of Medicine.

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Rallies planned at noon on Wednesday in Sydney, Halifax and New Glasgow.

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Making strategic choices during challenging times was a key theme of the NUPGE's 2010 Leadership Development School.

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NUPGE and its Component unions have contributed $50,000 so far as fallout from the disaster in Pakistan escalates.

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Money sits unused in low-interest accounts because spending it would create accounting "deficits" that are forbidden by provincial law.

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Scientists are raising the alarm that warming and rising acidity of oceans is spelling ecological upheaval for marine ecosystems.

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'The record of horrific human rights abuses by the military government of Burma is lengthy.' - James Clancy.

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