This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

Emergency response centre at Victoria General Hospital closed following the processing of all immigrants from Asian ship.

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'Despite arduous bargaining conditions imposed by SAHO, the unions managed to attain a four-year deal.'

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Tough on crime sentencing laws causing prison population to soar. Inmates 'quadruple-bunked and sleeping in hallways.'

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'Even if you trust in the food that you eat, in the back of your mind, you're maybe wondering how it's prepared, where it came from, those kinds of things.'

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Canada's stimulus program has added only 1% to growth that would have taken place without any injection of public spending.

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Trained health professionals standing by to provide CT scanning, x-ray, ultrasound, laboratory technology and pharmacy services.

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'It’s not rocket science. If we have fewer bodies on the ground and virtually no presence in communities where the work is being done.' - BCGEU.

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'The genie is out of the bottle and no matter how hard he tries the premier won’t ever get it back in.' - Warren (Smokey) Thomas.

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Multi-bed shelter for women battling addictions, homelessness or other safety issues.

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Bill 68 would open workers to 'reprisals and termination' by forcing them to confront unfair employers personally.

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Niagara-Haldimand-Brant LHIN held meetings 'that were clearly illegal,' says André Marin.

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'Congratulations on a wonderful fight back by all of you.' - Warren (Smokey) Thomas. – Updated

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Canadian Doctors for Medicare applauds the latest CMA admission that privatization is not the answer to health care problems facing Canada.

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'This program is often the first time that victims of domestic violence are referred for professional help.' - Reid Johnson.

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New regulated child care system goes into effect across the province in September.

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