This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

'A third party conducts the survey and your identity is secure in the process.'

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First ILO Convention ratified in over a decade; Canada continues to refuse to ratify many of ILO’s fundamental conventions.

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'No one should doubt our members’ resolve to make employment security our top priority in this round of bargaining."

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Households in the age group 70 and over whose income was ranked in the bottom 20 percent, home ownership raised incomes, on average, by 20 percent.

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'Employees have a right to expect that their work is valued by their employer.' - Darryl Walker.

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'This gap in perception creates the potential for accidents in the workplace to occur.' - Conference Board of Canada.

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'We look forward to working with the bargaining committee to negotiate a first collective agreement. - Darryl Walker.

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'These types of changes are very stressful for workers but fortunately this isn't the end of the road for affected members.' - Darryl Walker.

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'We believe that the Living Wage for Families Campaign will help reduce poverty and foster healthier communities.' - Bruce Cook.

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NSGEU committed to 'achieving the best possible collective agreement' for more than 450 workers.

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'The only place for this dialogue is at the bargaining table or, where that fails, at arbitration.' - Warren (Smokey) Thomas.

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Pride Flag flying over Province House in Halifax with up to 100,000 expected to participate in annual parade on Saturday.

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'This leisurely approach to negotiations is very frustrating.' - BCGEU.

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Campaign prevented an estimated 900,000 cases of flu, 105,080 visits to doctors, 28,721 emergency visits, 427 hospitalizations, 52 deaths and saved $20 million.

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PSLRB orders $1.4M settlement for executive subjected 'sham' dismissal by federal Conservatives.

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