This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

'The employer is threatening to conduct a temporary layoff of the entire bargaining unit.'

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'Cutting outpatient care will result in higher medical costs overall, in addition to suffering.' - Reid Johnson.

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Health Canada and World Health Organization believe technology is safe, says minister.

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Smoothing process may allow scheduled of 40 hours one week and 30 hours the next.

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But both public and private sectors are losing ground when inflation is taken into account.

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"The BP oil crisis has highlighted the significant financial risks presented by deepwater drilling and, as a fiduciary, we must be concerned about the possibility of future accidents and try to find ways to mitigate these risks."

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For the five-year period ended June 30, 2010, the CPP Fund has generated an annualized investment rate of return of 3 percent; for the 10-year period the Fund has generated an annualized rate of return of 5.1 percent.

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'These kids are getting sick at school but not at home.' - Rodney Palmer.

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Agreement to distribute $22.5 million in proceeds arising from the demutualization of certain insurance policies.

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'It is simply wrong for hard-working people to be bank-rolling already profitable corporations.'

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If a university with the agreement of unions representing the employees, can reform its pension plan, the government will allow it to amortize its solvency deficits over a period of up to 10 years.

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'It became more apparent that the employer didn’t appear to be interested in reaching a fair settlement.'

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The CCTS received 3,200 complaints from Canadians in 2008-09 compared to more than 150,000 in Australia.

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Already packed Fraser Regional Correctional Centre now required to house up to four times the number of inmates it was designed to accommodate.

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'It's about time," says Jim Gosse of NSGEU correctional Local 480.

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