This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

'Absolute blindness' to abandon detailed census data collection when the country is going through massive demographic changes, CLC says.

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Assembly of First Nations welcomes news and says other health care needs must also be addressed.

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First major overhaul in 30 years would modernize the province's Family Relations Act.

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'Our members who are front line workers in the centre did not support this closure." - Joan Jessome.

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61 of 158 institutions failed to balance their books in the fiscal year that ended on March 31.

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Voluntary disclosure will allow wealthy Canadians to pay less than they owe the public treasury.

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'Sadly ... it can’t go away as long as our world is driven by the quest for profit.' - Warren (Smokey) Thomas.

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By working together, Ontario and Quebec can reduce the greenhouse gas emissions of their electricity systems while also keeping rates in check for businesses and consumers.

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July 17th marks the Climate Change Impacts Day for both Taiwan and Ukraine.

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NUPGE part of delegation in Europe expressing concerns over EU-Canada free trade agreement.

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Canada's publicly-run pension system did far better than private pension plans.

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Report cites staff cuts, workload and ‘inappropriate’ regulation in dam failure.

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'This agreement achieves a very significant increase in pay for our membership.'

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If you are toiling in hot conditions, protect yourself from potentially fatal heat illness. Here’s a sample Hot Weather Plan you can adapt to your workplace to ensure that everyone is aware of heat/humidity conditions on each workday, and that adequate worker protections are in place to prevent heat illness.

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'Our deputy sheriff members have made it very clear that public safety is at risk if these cuts go ahead.' - Joan Jessome.

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