This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

'The facts clearly show that privatization of liquor stores in New Brunswick is just bad public policy.'

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BCGEU supports recommendations by the representative for children and youth to protect vulnerable infants.

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'While there is no guarantee that the service will not still close, at least there is now an opportunity to rationally look at these services.'

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'I didn’t even know most of the professions existed. But these people – amazing people – gave me my life back.'

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Decision to guarantee health care funding for five years was a notable exception to a tumultuous time in power.

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'Two-thirds of new residential-care beds built in Ontario since 1998 have been in for-profit homes."

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'The truth is that businesses aren’t required to use their tax cuts for job creation and they haven’t done so in the past.'

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'They are trying to circumvent the normal bargaining process by communicating directly with our members.'

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Introduced legislation in Ontario banning the use of scab workers during labour-management disputes.

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'Employment security demands are the best opportunity we have to protect jobs and vital public community services.'

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'We will be giving the employer notice to immediately commence collective bargaining.'

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The federal government today announced the country's first national standard for protective equipment for its thousands of front-line emergency workers.

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E-mail by Dr. Robert McCulloch criticized by SGEU and SIAST employees for meddling improperly with the collective bargaining process.

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'The ministry now seems to indicate that this is no longer a budget issue but a recruitment issue.' - Darryl Walker.

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'The government stands by as mental health programs are being eliminated across this province.' - OPSEU.

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