This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

Our nation and our economy were built on the skills and knowledge gained through a public system based on accessibility, affordability, quality and accountability and funded through the Canada Social Transfer (CST)

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Level exceeds the previous high reached in the second quarter of 2008.

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Two thirds cite lack of funds as reason for not making RRSP contribution.

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Payments under OAS and GIS will rise 0.5 percent.

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Canadians believe they'll work longer than the traditional retirement age of 65, they're less confident about their retirement outlook, and they're concerned about their financial well-being.

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UPDATED Sun. Mar. 13 - NUPGE national president James Clancy joined other NUPGE representatives (Doug Evetts OPSEU/NUPGE; Jim Paul OPSEU/NUPGE; Vic Wonnacott MGEU/NUPGE; Holly Page BCGEU/NUPGE; and Greg Hamara OPSEU/NUPGE) in Wisconsin to provide support and solidarity to public service workers. They joined with 100,000 other people who marched around the state Capital. Check out these photos.

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One more fight ahead as the bill now goes before the Senate where it will face a challenge by some government-appointed Senators intent on blocking passage of the bill.

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In 30 minutes, in the dark of night, Republican Senators undid decades of civil rights in Wisconsin. They used a sneaky procedural move to strip collective bargaining rights from public service workers. But the people of Wisconsin aren't giving up. They're planning actions for the rest of the week and NUPGE representatives are there to support them.

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In 30 minutes, in the middle of the night, 18 Republican state senators undid 50 years of civil rights in Wisconsin. They used a sneaky procedural move to strip nearly all collective bargaining rights from public service workers. But the people of Wisconsin aren't giving up yet. They're planning actions for the rest of the week with the aim of taking back their government. And NUPGE representatives are in Wisconsin to support them.

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The National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE) has taken the pledge and will not offer bottled water at its meetings or events where tap water is available.

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NUPGE representatives are in Madison providing support and solidarity to Wisconsin public service workers. This is the first in a series of dispatches from Wisconsin, where the governor's union-busting is spurring a popular uprising.

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Stable funding for Medicare, social programs and post-secondary education should not be sacrificed for today's corporate tax cuts.

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Bill to reform program intended to provide access to low cost generic drugs to developing countries faces opposition from big pharma lobbyists.

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Report recommends investing 1% of GDP to early care and learning.

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All Together Now! campaign’s Days of Action used both old and new media to get its message out – yes to more resources for mental health services and no to corporate tax cuts.

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