This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

Undemocratic process violates the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and a long list of international conventions.

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'One of many studies that shows the connection between the proliferation of private liquor stores and alcohol-related disease and deaths.'

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No crises yet but officials are urging the public to get flu shots as quickly as possible.

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Heavy-handed police tactics at international trade summit in 2007 violated Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

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'All we’re looking for at the moment is for management to agree to some time lines where we can discuss the labour adjustment plan.'

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'A great opportunity for female members who have shown some interest in their union but haven’t quite known how to get more involved.'

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Fifth annual celebration of the important work of people who care for and support individuals with developmental disabilities.

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"All new approvals should be halted until the shortcomings are addressed and independent monitoring systems and environmental limits are put in place," says Simon Dyer of the Pembina Institute, in response to the report.

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'Our collective challenge today is to develop a sense of co-operation amid very significant challenges.'

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Correctional officers will be called upon to help deal with demands for increased security at provincial courts in the coming months.

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'Once again our members have told this association that they prefer to deal with a professional, member-driven union.'

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Case illustrates the inadequacy of mental health services in Canada and the lack of flexibility courts now face because of mandatory sentencing laws.

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Listen to CBC's Quirks and Quarks related podcast above.

Firefighters say the fires in beetle-killed trees burn so hot it's like dealing with a forest of kiln-dried lumber. Dumping water and retardant on the flames doesn't work very well.

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Province finally agrees to expanded role for sheriffs to relieve some of the demands now being handled by police departments.

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Province already facing shortage of doctors, nurses and health care practitioners, says medical society.

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