This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

'Why inflict unnecessary anxiety and hardship on parents, teachers, staff and administrators who are already struggling to maintain present programs and services?'

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'Practical leadership responses to everyday situations through group work and interaction.'

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“The notion that small businesses will join a PRPP because it’s simpler than existing employee-sponsored options is a bit of pipedream.”

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Two-year settlement affects employees at several worksites across eastern Ontario.

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Environment Canada has quietly released its climate report for 2010, confirming that it was the hottest year on Canadian record books.

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'It’s getting harder and harder to believe the Ontario government is serious about improving mental health services.'

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British shareholders, NGOs and campaigners have expressed increasing concern over the involvement of UK banks and oil companies in the highly polluting extraction of "dirty oil" from the Tar Sands.

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'The scapegoating of public employees by The Economist is an insidious way of dividing public and private sector workers who actually share the same aspirations.' - James Clancy.

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Vancouver restaurant outlet accused of reneging on wages and refusing to repay $6,000 processing fees paid in advance by 50 Philippine cooks and servers.

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Bringing together nearly 17,000 members who work in developmental services, children’s aid societies, child treatment areas, youth corrections and community agencies.

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BCGEU members hoping mediation efforts will help with a first collective agreement without having to walk off the job.

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With contributing authors from the academic and labour market spheres, this report reveals that climate and labour market policies are still operating as two solitudes in Canada.

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"If you’re hoping for a “harmonized” Canadian equivalent to this (U.S. climate action) effort, prepare to be disappointed," says Clare Demerse, Pembina Institute.

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Tim Hudak is misleading voters by pretending that an attack on public sector jobs and wages will deal with a financial mess that the financial sector has caused, says James Clancy, NUPGE's national president.

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Warren (Smokey) Thomas will present a brief on behalf of 125,000 OPSEU members across Ontario.

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