This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

Most major advanced democratic countries honour collective bargaining rights of public employees. By contrast, many undemocratic countries restrict or prohibit collective bargaining by public employees.

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Canadians 35-54 years of age are the most likely to have withdrawn money from their RRSP

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"Sometimes I think I live in a parallel universe to Margaret Wente. Today I know so."- James Clancy, NUPGE national president

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bE-mail the following message to each of the four federal Party Leaders:

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March is the month for British Columbians to take the time to learn how community social service workers contribute to making communities better all across the province.

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Labour activists, students and Mr. Mugabe’s political rivals face brutal consequences for thinking.

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"Job cuts of the scale proposed by the Premier mean entire programs will have to be axed. There is no fat left to cut. Our members have been doing more with less for years now." - Warren "Smokey" Thomas, OPSEU president

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Highlighting how the growing public demand for increased resources for mental health services runs counter to governments pushing to cut corporate taxes even further.

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"By all accounts, your father was an amazing man. That his vision and inspiration continues on to this day is a testament to him. There is no telling how much more he would have accomplished had his life not been taken from him." - James Clancy, NUPGE national president

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In 2010, across Canada, 2.3 million people, or one in every 10 adults, suffered from these injuries, also known as musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs).

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"Canadians continue to believe , in very high numbers, that climate change is a significant issue. They want to see federal leadership on the issue in terms of a policy regime that will set the course for Canada." - Alex Wood, Sustainable Prosperity.

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Voting on the final offer will commence on February 24 and end on March 10, 2011 in specific locations across the province or by mail-in ballot.

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Wisconsin Governor’s attack shouldn’t be a surprise to any of us. Indeed, the question has only been when and which jurisdiction in North America would be first to take such heavy handed action.

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Supporters across the country will be gathering signatures on the Stop The Meter CRTC petition. The signed petitions will be used to push decision makers to put a stop the new Internet usage fees.

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'Educational assistants, librarians, financial clerks, administrative assistants, IT ... the work all our educational support staff members do affects students'

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