This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

'These results clearly call out for much more comprehensive support than the government has so far chosen to provide.' - Joan Jessome.

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'Huguette was a trailblazer. She spent her whole adult life fighting for fairness and defending the interests of working families.'

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Dr. Gabrielle Ledger says adolescent program is 30 years out of date.

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'Migrant workers ready, willing and able to march and tell their story of abuse, injustice and false hopes of making a better life.'

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Unanimous ruling states that it would be unconstitutional to allow marriage commissioners to refuse to marry same-sex couples based on religious objection.

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'Could save taxpayers the cost of high management fees associated with the private sector insurance business and make pension coverage more effective and affordable.'

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Expansion of existing facilities welcome but new correction facilities are badly needed, says MGEU.

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British study compared access laws in five parliamentary democracies – Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, the United Kingdom and Canada.

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Unions representing health care professionals across Canada say a new and more reasonable regulation process is badly needed.

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“Alberta simply don’t believe that there should be a public response to what they consider to be a private issue. It’s not a view that the government of Nova Scotia shares.

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The percentage of paid workers covered by a pension plan declined, from 41% in 1998 to 38% in 2008.

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'The Conservatives should not walk and talk like previous governments faced with the same economic challenges. They cannot simply turn to old solutions and stay away from seeking a new path.'

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Poster symbolized the vital role that women played in World War II industries.

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'It proves that we're totally right when we ask for a moratorium.' -  André Belisle.

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Workers end four-month lockout by accepting wage adjustments totalling $3 an hour over a five-year contract.

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