This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

Class, quiet please. Our word for today is “taxes.” It is not a dirty word, it is a good clean honest noun for a healthy civic function in the body politic.

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Week three of the election is over. Harper continues to lead and is openly appealing for a majority. The opposition parties must focus public attention on Harper's policies and answer the key question: what will Canada look like if Harper wins a majority?

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Whose Canada? That's the question we want Canadians to think about in this election. Is it Stephen Harpers? Or is it yours and mine? This is the second poster in our Whose Canada? series. It deals with the issue of crime and how to make our communities safer. Please share it with everyone you know.

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“We now have four years of consistent jurisprudence that recognizes the constituional obligation of governments to respect the collective bargaining process and refrain from enacting legislation that strips away the Charter rights of their employees.” James Clancy

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Members chanted as they marched, "Open the ballot boxes. Count those votes now!"

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A recent report coordinated by the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) and Canadian Feminist Alliance for International Action (FAFIA) highlights the sharp decrease in support for women’s issues under the Harper government.

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The Canadian Press reports that the “32 projects were chosen by Industry Minister Tony Clement, the mayor of Huntsville, and the general manager of Deerhurst Resort” with more of an eye to helping the riding rather than supporting the requirements of the summit or abiding by stipulated government conditions.

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Members re-elect Component presidents in BC, Alberta and Ontario to serve again

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"The employers and the Ministry both need to realize that this sector is at a cross roads, one where all stakeholders can agree to work together to solve the systemic issues they face or where the service will continue to slip backwards and fail one of societies most vulnerable groups," says OPSEU/NUPGE.

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"We may be retired but we are huge in voter numbers so we are pleased to see how the efforts of NUPGE to reach out have been so successful. Grey power may not rule, but it sure does have an impact." Dave and Bonnie Scott, winners.

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That's the question we want Canadians to think about.

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"Never before have Canadian organizations worried so much that there might be consequences if they disagree publicly with the government on a human rights concern." - Amnesty International

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NSGEU/NUPGE is encouraging the public to keep the pressure on and to support these members as they fight for a fair collective agreement.

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Review of pension plans in the broader public sector misses the mark completely for the tens of thousands of workers who have no pension coverage at all.

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"This is a giant step forward for the Stop The Meter campaign, and a victory for those who support competition and choice in Canada's Internet service market," said Steve Anderson, executive director of

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