This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

"Workers have become increasingly frustrated and angry over the growing number of violent incidents in VIHA operations," said Walker. "Does someone have to die before something is done?"

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Collective agreement is reached for 285 members addressing issues of wages, pensions, benefits and employment security.

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Canada’s cultural diversity strengthens the country socially, politically and economically.

Ottawa (2 May 2011) - May is Asian Heritage Month. The occasion acknowledges the long and rich history of Asian Canadians and their contributions to Canada. It also provides an opportunity for Canadians across the country to reflect on and celebrate the contributions of Asian Canadians to the growth and prosperity of Canada.

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“Farm workers are one of the most vulnerable groups of workers in Canada. How the Supreme Court could deny them access to effective collective bargaining in order to achieve fair wages and working conditions is beyond me.” – James Clancy

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“The Courts interpretation of the AEPA is unworkable. The decision does not reflect the realities of collective bargaining on the ground and the unequal bargaining power between employers and farm workers.”

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The real question now is whether or not Canada Post is up to the job to be the innovator the country needs. There is a massive opportunity for CEO Deepak Chopra to make a transformative shift in our postal system. Now is the perfect time for Canada Post to open itself to the future, to invest and expand.

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The full name is now the Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan

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The National Day of Mourning was established in Canada at the urging of the Canadian Labour Congress in 1984 and is now recognized in over 80 countries around the world.

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Among retired people with debt, 17 percent owed $100,000 or more.

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Main split on pensions comes down to continuing to rely on a failed private sector model, or improving and expanding our public pension system.

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"I believe if Canadians are presented with clear choices in this election, they'll choose the Canada that you and I believe in." - James Clancy, President, NUPGE

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In the past 12 months, there has been a significant rise in the number of retirees returning to the workforce because they need the income

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“Not one person I’ve spoken to about this campaign has said these cutbacks haven’t hurt them personally or someone they are close to. I’ve always had fire in my belly to make a difference, but this campaign has increased it more.” - Tamara Weber, Champion 4 Change.

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Earth Day celebrates and promotes the "power of one" with personal acts of environmental wisdom and lifestyle changes.

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Whose Canada? That's the question we want Canadians to think about in this election. Is it Stephen Harpers? Or is it yours and mine? This is the third poster in our Whose Canada? series. It deals with the economy. Please share it with everyone you know. Download the PDF

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