This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

The new agreement maintains the defined benefit pension plan for current Air Canada workers.

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OPSEU members rally in support of bargaining demands.

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'We value the partnerships we have formed over the years with Aboriginal workers and Aboriginal communities. - James Clancy, NUPGE president.

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Short-term coercive fixes do not create the conditions for developing long-term solutions to the challenges facing Canadian workers and employers.” CFLR Board Member Judy Fudge

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The CCLA Ottawa (17 June 2011) - The Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA) has written to the Minister of Labour urging her to reconsider the proposal to introduce legislation that would force striking workers at Canada Post (and previously Air Canada, before a settlement was reached on June 16) back-to-work.

Freedom of association is a fundamental free collective bargaining.

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With this newest initiative in the nation-wide push-back against the bottled water industry, Manitoba becomes the 2nd province to implement a similar policy, following in the footsteps of Nova Scotia.

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Climate change impacts across Canada are become more apparent all the time. Studies are emerging warning us of imminent threats to our safety and well-being. It has become clear that many regions across Canada need to be better prepared to deal with these impacts; from sea level rise on our coasts, floods in central Canada, and water shortages in the west.

New Brunswick towns leading the way

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Download the latest OHS Insider infographic on Workplace Violence in Canada.

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Delegates focus on why Unions Matter at 48th convention.

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First Place Fossil is awarded to Canada. Guess what sector is Canada’s fastest-growing source of greenhouse gas emissions? That would be the tar sands, where emissions from digging up dirty oil have close to tripled since 1990.

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OPSEU college members to employer: We're here to bargain.

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The Employer’s pension contribution proposal is the most damaging to members as it would reduce the take-home pay by more than five per cent.

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“Lip service to health care is not enough,” says Natalie Mehra, director of the Ontario Health Coalition (OHC). “Ontarians need clear commitments on the key issues that matter in our communities.”

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With the right policies and investments, we can ensure workers make it home from work healthy and in one piece, every day.

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“For the Court to suggest that a mere right to have bargaining proposals considered in good faith amounts to an extension of real and meaningful bargaining in the Canadian context is to ignore both labour history and collective bargaining reality.”

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