This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

In the last 29 years, federal and provincial governments across the country have enacted 90 pieces of back-to-work legislation.

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The CPP Fund's assets reached a record high of $148.2 billion at the end of its fiscal 2010. That surpassed a previous high of $127.7 billion in June 2008, months before the onset of the global financial downturn.

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Resolutions include calls for protection of public services, enhancement of health & safety, and continued funding and support for campaigns to improve mental health services. 

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Points to a problem with private jails ‘cherry-picking’ healthy and easy prisoners and leaving state facilities with more difficult and costly inmates.

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The goal of the seminar is to bring timely analysis of the Fraser decision and to explore response from the labour community.

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BC CLAG is reaching out again to stress that families are still waiting and will continue to urge Premier Clark and Minister Bloy to honour the promises made seven years ago.

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Does Harper's plan for emissions reduction include a permanent recession or a state of stunted manufacturing?

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Participation of women in pension plans continues the trend upward which began in 1998.

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Homosexuality is still illegal in 77 countries around the world, and in seven countries women, men and children are punished for their sexuality with death sentences.

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The proportion of Aboriginal women who reported spousal violence was about two and a half times higher than the proportion of non-Aboriginal women.

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Closures move province closer to flawed US model of superjails.

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"For Marshall to single out probation officers alone is truly galling. It is everyone from police to judges to probation officers to Crown attorneys to sheriffs and correctional officers that bear the increasingly difficult task of keeping our communities safe. They deserve our sincere thanks." - Lois Wales, MGEU president.

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The evidence clearly demonstrated that the government was required to and did put aside real funds to deal with its pension obligations, along with funds collected from plan members' contributions.

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Ontarians urged to "Take a Stand" for youth mental health.

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