This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

NSGEU/NUPGE members working for VON reach a tentative agreement with the employer.

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“You don’t provide support to people, many with mobility challenges, by forcing them to travel to see you.” - Warren (Smokey) Thomas, OPSEU President.

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In fighting the dramatic tuition fee hikes, the student movement is defending the values of equality and solidarity which underpin this social contract.

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With a 13 per cent child poverty rate, Canada ranks higher than the average and places 24th of 35 industrialized countries.

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Union activists from across New Brunswick gathered for the Spring Training Session.

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Liquor board members plan privatization fightback campaign.

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Health science professionals in Alberta meet for two days to discuss upcoming challenges.

logo for the Health Secinces Association of Alberta (HSAA in blue with a yellow stripe through and name spelled out underneath)Edmonton (30 May 2012) - Members from across Alberta will be gathering on May 31 and June 1 for the Annual General Meeting of the Health Sciences Association of Alberta (HSAA/NUPGE).

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"If Canada had a modern industrial strategy, we wouldn't be having this conversation. We'd be talking about how to put people to work in sustainable, decent jobs, not being forced to take whatever is left at the end of the day." - James Clancy, NUPGE National President.

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Ten years of supporting migrant workers was celebrated this past weekend.

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The union is concerned a provincial Commission will recommend combining ODSP with Ontario Works in its final report in June.

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Theft of 800 year-old cedar on Vancouver Island highlights lack of parks staff.

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Allowing employers to pay migrant workers 15 per cent less is a blatant effort to drive all wages down in everything from resource extraction and manufacturing to the services sector.

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Visit the website to send Minister of Labour Lisa Raitt an email to tell her to stop interfering with collective bargaining!

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Public service jobs of the people of Ontario have been outsourced to the U.S. for profit.

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Robin Hood and his merry activists take to streets across from Parliament Building in support of the Robin Hood Tax. UPDATED

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