This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

In analysis and discussions...differential impacts for women, Aboriginals, racialized persons, newcomers, and *the poor* are frequently left out. It’s hard to blame anyone, there’s a lot to talk about in this whopper. - Angella McEwen

Ottawa (7 May 2012) - Below is a post by Angella McEwen, a Canadian Labour Congress economist, about gender and the recent federal budget:

The only mention of either men or women in the 400-odd page 2012 Budget Implementation Bill is with regards to the appropriate use of donated sperm and ova.

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Of course, the country can afford pensions for some people. Pretty good pensions, in fact. CEO’s and the Executive ranks are doing quite OK in their retirement.

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Harper government chooses the side of big banks once again as it removes requirement to use independent ombudsman to resolve customer complaints.

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Elections, resolutions and guest speakers filled the agenda for SGEU annual convention.

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"In some cases, they’re simply moving jobs that are already done in rural locations to another rural location. It doesn’t make much sense.” - Joan Jessome, NSGEU President.

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“At some point during the crisis, three of Canada’s banks—CIBC, BMO, and Scotiabank—were completely under water, with government support exceeding the market value of the company,” says Macdonald. “Without government supports to fall back on, Canadian banks would have been in serious trouble.”

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The world needs to create 50 million jobs to return to pre-crisis employment levels, according to the ILO, but fiscal austerity and tough labour market reforms threaten a true jobs recovery.

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“Instead of recognizing the value of this important work, the employer wants to slash what few benefits these workers have." — Warren (Smokey) Thomas, OPSEU President.

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"Is this the new PEI? The government would do well to remember that they have a responsibility to invest in and maintain public services for all Islanders – especially the most vulnerable." - Shelly Ward, PEIUPSE President.

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Tips for emergency preparedness: E-course available May 6-12, 2012 from Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS).

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Online survey by Canadian Automobile Association (CAA) found that Newfoundland and Labrador has the dubious distinction of having five of the top 10 worst roads in the region.

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The federal government has hidden important changes to environmental and pipeline policy inside the omnibus budget bill.

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Contract termination fees capped at $50 by Nova Scotia NDP.

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The National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE) is calling on Quebec Premier Jean Charest to defend public and accessible post-secondary education and negotiate in good faith with striking students. 

Ottawa (03 May 2012) - More than 170,000 post-secondary students in Quebec have been on strike for the past 12 weeks.  

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Watch new video interviews from the Women 4 Change training session.

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