This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

"The crisis in long-term care urgently requires federal action. It is shameful that Canada is the worst country at protecting our vulnerable seniors, having the highest proportion of COVID-19 deaths in our long-term care facilities. NUPGE is pleased that the federal NDP is championing long-term care reform at this critical moment." — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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The National Union of Public and General Employees is conducting an online member survey on working from home. Members are invited to anonymously share their experiences with, and opinions on, working from home during the pandemic, as well as what types of options they hope to see for the future. The survey can be completed in either English or French.

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"I implore the Canadian government to continue monitoring the situation in Myanmar, specifically as it affects the Rohingya. I also reiterate NUPGE’s previous calls on the Canadian government to support the Rohingya’s ongoing needs and movements on the ground, and to support Rohingya-led grassroots struggles for peace." — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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“Our members have seen this type of rhetoric before, which has led to cuts, layoffs, closures and privatization. Rather than simply waiting to see what happens, our union is sending a strong message to those in power that they shouldn’t forget the critical role that public services and the hardworking and dedicated people who provide them play in our province every day, no matter what challenge is put in their way." Jerry Earle, NAPE President

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As we work on eradicating racism in the present, it’s also important to reshape the way we view the past. We must continue to uncover stories excluded from traditional narratives of history and support the work of Black academics who study and teach history and related fields.

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Though nothing will ever make up for the loss of Mamadou Tanou Barry, Azzeddine Soufiane, Abdelkrim Hassane, Ibrahima Barry, Aboubaker Thabti and Khaled Belkacemi, the designation ensures that they, and the survivors of the attack, are properly honoured.

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"Various management fees, administrative fees, interest payments and other seemingly artificial transactions with related parties appear to be used to shift profits out of taxable entities and into tax havens."

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While some provincial governments are trying to claim that public spending in the COVID-19 pandemic means austerity policies are unavoidable, the report shows that isn’t the case.  When provincial governments are providing only 8% of funding for COVID-19 measures, provincial governments that are trying to use the pandemic to justify cuts to public services are not being honest.

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After more than 2 decades NUPGE’s scholarship program is getting an update. Our scholarships have moved online to

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“At this stage, we’re scrambling to get answers for our members because, once again, front-line workers and the unions that represent them have not been included in the planning and transition process.” — Jerry Earle, NAPE President

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“The OHA claims to exist to preserve the integrity of our healthcare system, and then they treat our frontline heroes, who keep our health system running, with contempt.” — Warren (Smokey) Thomas, OPSEU President

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While many workers were laid off and had to rely on income support of $500/week during the pandemic, the stock market boom means half of CEOs will likely see an increase in their compensation for 2020.

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“Front-line support workers are experiencing anxiety, increased workload, and loss of pay related to faulty reporting mechanisms and contact tracing. It’s important to set standardized, contact tracing protocols across every public school board.” — Warren (Smokey) Thomas, OPSEU President

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“The government calls this ‘modernizing’ and ‘elevating the client experience,’ but to me it looks like they’re just making it harder for rural Manitobans to access the services and support they need.” Michelle Gawronsky, MGEU President

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The paramedics stationed up north pitched in to do whatever was needed to help alleviate the strain on the northern health system—whether it was to provide a COVID-19 swab test, start an IV, provide medications, or help with any medical emergencies that arose during the holidays.

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