This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

"As we expected, the Court of Queen’s Bench agreed with us and ordered the Minister to appoint an interest arbitration board, calling the Minister’s argument 'disingenuous at best.' She granted an order requiring the board be appointed and for the government to pay legal costs to the MGEU/NUPGE. Shockingly, the government still refused to do the right thing.” — Michelle Gawronsky, MGEU President

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Canada would gain at least $11 billion per year in corporate tax revenue from a global minimum tax rate at 21%, according to a study released by international corporate tax experts.

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"Congratulations to the members of Local 325 who once again showed Molson Coors that they will not be bullied into accepting a bargain-basement contract." — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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Please send a message of support for the 844 workers who are being forced to take strike action to protect their pensions here:…

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The Education for All campaign, of which NUPGE is a part, has made available an online letter-writing tool to call on the federal government to provide stable, long-term funding for the university:

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The National Union of Public and General Employees encourages all its members to wear pink on April 14 to let our LGBTQI2S+ friends, family, co-workers, and community members that we are with them in the fight for equality.

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The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) identified 894 Canadians and Canadian companies through the Panama Papers leak, but as of last week no charges had been laid.

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"Equal Pay Day serves as a reminder of these longstanding gaps and inequities, and that we must not let up the fight for pay equity. On this day, and every day, NUPGE is committed to fighting for equal pay for equal work for our members across the country." — Bert Blundon, NUPGE Secretary-Treasurer

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Inequality, especially during this pandemic, is putting people's lives at risk. NUPGE supports the World Health Organization's call for "building a fairer, healthier world" because a fairer world is a healthier world.

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"We’ve been calling out the cuts and chaos in healthcare for years and the government refused to listen. Hopefully after all the heartbreak and loss of the last year our government has learned when those who provide care are not valued, it’s patient care that suffers most.” — Michelle Gawronsky, MGEU President

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"This report by a federal government agency shows how governments and employers failed seniors in long-term care as we went through the first, then the second, wave of COVID. And now they are failing them again in the third wave. Canada cannot continue to ignore this crisis; the impact on residents and workers in these facilities is a national tragedy. To protect our seniors, the Canada Health Act must govern long-term care in Canada." — Larry Brown, NUPGE President.

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The Scholarship for Black Students is open to Black students preparing to enter their first year of a full-time program at a Canadian public, post-secondary education institution.

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“We can’t celebrate in person, but NUPGE is proud to celebrate Transgender Day of Visibility. We stand by our transgender members and transgender friends, family members, and neighbours, and we promise to keep fighting against discrimination in the legal system and in society.” — Bert Blundon, NUPGE Secretary-Treasurer

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Health professionals and justice workers represented by NUPGE are eyewitnesses to the unfolding crisis.

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“This is an important day for climate action. Carbon pricing is just one tool in the toolbox for meeting the climate crisis, but it remains an important one. We hope that today’s decision drives forward ambitious federal action to respond to the climate emergency and to ensure the transition to a low-carbon economy is a just one.” — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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