This is an archive of news stories and research from the National Union of Public and General Employees. Please see our new site - - for the most current information. 

The campaign, Make Amazon Pay, is demanding changes to both Amazon’s company policies and government legislation.

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This ongoing pandemic is exposing some fundamental gaps in our health care system. This World AIDS Day, NUPGE is calling on federal and provincial governments to finally take action on universal Pharmacare, so that all Canadians can access the medicines they need. ― Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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As with the Speech from the Throne, there were a few encouraging commitments, but they were somewhat lacking in substance. Canadians expected that this fiscal update would deliver more detail on the progressive-sounding vision outlined in the Throne Speech.

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“In making these commitments to lower emissions, it is imperative to consider and mitigate the impact on workers and communities.” — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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New report recommends progressive tax measures the federal government could use to address worsening wealth inequality in Canada and raise revenues to help pay for the COVID-19 crisis.

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The Applicants in the case, 7 young people, are arguing that the Ford government’s climate policy, which weakened Ontario’s climate targets in 2018, violates their Charter-protected rights to life, liberty, and security of the person.

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"Congratulations to all the winners of our 2020 scholarships. We were very impressed with all the entries we received, and wish the winners and all the entrants the very best in the pursuit of their education and future careers." — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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Private companies focused on specialized services that generated higher profits so primary care and preventative health care services were both starved of resources.

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86% of Canadians said it is important to them that all Canadian families have access to quality child care regardless of income. 84% of Canadians also said that access to affordable child care is essential for Canada’s economic prosperity.

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Health Sciences Association of Alberta (HSAA) President, Mike Parker, reacts to new measures to stop the surge of COVID-19 cases.

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A Canada-wide child care program would also create greater equality, boost regional and rural economic development, and bring long-term health and well-being benefits for future generations.

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“Premier Moe needs to do more than just consider a work-from-home plan. The government needs to practice what they preach.” — Barry Nowoselsky, SGEU PS/GE Chairperson

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Education International has started a campaign via LabourStart. Individuals can add their voices to those condemning the death threats and the broader trend of violence, intimidation, and repression.

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“We are witnessing a pandemic within a pandemic. Physical and social isolation, economic stress, and the overall uncertainty resulting from COVID-19 have created a perfect storm for the increased risk of domestic violence. What's worse, the lockdowns may make it harder for people experiencing violence to seek help.” — Larry Brown, NUPGE President

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If the money lost to tax abuse had been available to hire more staff and ensure health care workers were properly protected, many of the people who died during the pandemic would still be alive.

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